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Can Sex Get Better with CBD After 50?

We may be dating ourselves here, but does anyone remember the character Barbara Streisand played in the movie, Meet the Fockers? She was a sex therapist to seniors and very open and vocal about a healthy sex life in your golden years. It was priceless and reinforces that we can embrace sex after 50.

Dr. Ruth Westheimer, a sex therapist and media personality, born in 1928, espouses the notion that sexual activity remains an important part of every person’s needs, especially as they age, and that seniors should be doing what they can to make sure that sexual activity is part of ones’ regular patterns.

Things may change, we may change as we age, but with some knowledge, and creativity, and a few helpful products, may allow seniors (hate that they call us that now) a chance to kick things into high gear. Sex can remain an integral part of who we are throughout our lives.

As we age, sexual activities may become less frequent, whether for couples or if you are “single” and on your own. Our bodies change as we age. Adjusting to these changes is important for maintaining healthy and pleasurable sex, and you need to identify what issues there may be for you or your partner and find what works best.

There are countless over the counter and prescription medications that big pharmaceutical companies are offering, and they might offer a solution. However, there are some recent studies, media coverage, and anecdotal evidence that CBD may be a natural alternative to “get your engine revved.”

Before considering CBD as a natural alternative, it’s best to consult with your health care practitioner to make sure CBD is right for you.

As we age, our libido may change, or there may be other factors that come into play that impact our ability to engage in sexual activity with a partner or pleasure yourself alone. None of these factors should mean that you can have less fun in bed. Sex can get better with age! There are new products coming out every day that can aid in stimulation and pleasure for you and your partner.

Can CBD help improve sex?

Big pharmaceutical companies offer countless over-the-counter and prescription medications, and they might offer a solution.

However, some recent studies, media coverage, and anecdotal evidence suggest that CBD may be a natural alternative to “getting your engine revved.”

Before considering CBD as a natural alternative, it’s best to consult with your healthcare practitioner to make sure CBD is right for you.

As we age, our libido may change, or there may be other factors that come into play that impact our ability to engage in sexual activity with a partner or pleasure ourselves alone. None of these factors should mean that you can have less fun in bed. Sex can get better with age! There are new products coming out every day that can aid in stimulation and pleasure for you and your partner.

CBD oil tinctures and CBD Terpene Tinctures are one of those newer products that may work for you. Remember, this is not the “golden ticket”. What works for one may not work for another, but if you are looking for natural alternatives or want to try everything, this may be a path you consider.

You’d have to be living on another planet to have missed the CBD craze in America. There are countless CBD products, and CBD is infused into many things, too! From tinctures to terpenes, edibles, topical creams, bath bombs, and more,

CBD is proving to be practical and versatile for many applications and common needs. We have only begun to scratch the surface of its infinite applications.

CBD is used by many for relief from stress, muscle and joint discomfort, and a few other issues as a natural alternative, taken daily as part of a wellness regimen. But, as we mentioned, the benefits continue to be shared. Anecdotally, there’s been a lot of clamor amongst those over the age of 50 that have been experimenting with CBD and how it’s helped change their bedroom from just a place to sleep heating up again.

The insights being shared are how it is enriching their sex lives, regardless of age. Whether you are a man or a woman, there is a lot of chatter about how, for those over the age of 50, CBD has been an alternative that has spiced things up.

Let’s say goodbye to complaints of anything other than the bed creaking! Oh my!

Again, this is all anecdotal. We like to share relevant information as soon as it’s available to keep you up to date on what we’re hearing and what is going on in the industry so you are well informed.

It’s also important to recognize that there are many CBD products on the market. If you are considering CBD, you’ll want to make sure that you are using quality products to elicit the results you are looking to achieve.

A few things to make sure you check before purchasing a CBD product:

  1. Is the product from a reputable CBD manufacturer?

  2. Does the CBD manufacturer own the whole process from seeds on their farm to the product that ends up in your hands?

  3. Is the product triple lab tested by an independent lab?

  4. Is the product free of pesticides and heavy metals?

  5. Does the product have verified reviews from a trusted third party?

  6. Do the products carry a product label with all ingredients disclosed?

  7. Does the CBD distributor offer a money-back guarantee?

Once you’ve established that the product meets all of these requirements, you are on your way.

How CBD May Improve Sex for Older Couples

CBD is helping many as a natural alternative, adding it to their daily health and wellness regimen. Here are some ways that we’ve been hearing anecdotally that CBD may be used to help your sex life.

As we age, more physical aspects of our existence start to deteriorate. Whether it is achy muscles, arthritic joints, or orthopedic conditions related to various body parts, such as one’s knees, hips, back, CBD may help relieve general aches and pains. When one is in pain, that becomes a big deterrent for sexual activity.

How can anyone enjoy sexual activity when their back is thrown “out of whack” or is experiencing deep pain in their hips. To the extent that CBD may help alleviate these issues, then it may help set the stage for more sexual activity and confidence that these other issues will not interfere with a healthy sex life.

If your partner is suffering from chronic issues and does not want to take advantage of the pharmaceutical remedies available, then you may consider recommending CBD as a holistic alternative.

CBD for Performance Anxiety

While there is no concrete evidence, there are some scientific studies about how CBD may reduce stress. As people get older, they may have issues with inflammation, discomfort, or sensitivity to their body image, which results in stress about performance and desire.

This stress for men can result in an inability to maintain an erection or for women to get in the mood. The benefit of CBD as evidenced from scientific study and shared anecdotally is that the CBD has alleviated their stress related to performance, aka performance anxiety. This enables people to have less worry and get in the moment and enjoy it.

CBD for Lubrication

As we get older, it’s a good idea to use some form of lubrication, whether we are having sex with a partner or solo. Lubricated genitals make for joy in the friction instead of pain.

For women, the genital tissues thin as they age as a result of the reduction in estrogen production. This may make sexual intercourse more painful without lubrication. The cushioned wetness that may have existed when you were younger may have slowed or stopped and that may make penetration and sex with a partner or sex toy less comfortable if there is a lack of lubrication and you are dry. Even fondling may be uncomfortable. This is when you would normally mutter, “nature is cruel”.

No need to worry – you just need something that provides lubrication to make it more pleasurable. CBD Terpene Tinctures may work for you by helping reduce your stress and concern and kicking your endorphins into high gear that send neurotransmitters through your endocannabinoid system to get the juices flowing.

For men, whether your genitals are erect or soft or perhaps somewhere in the middle, CBD may provide you with some confidence and relief from stress to help with stimulation for your partner or yourself if going solo. Don’t wait until right before you intend to have sex to take CBD, give it some time to kick in. The best amount for you should be based on your weight and metabolic rate.

CBD may also help improve the quality of orgasm for both men and women which may be something you have missed as you’ve gotten older. Results will vary, but CBD may open the door to a higher quality of sexual satisfaction.

CBD for both men and women may help relax you, increase or improve blood flow to the genitals, and make the experience pleasurable. This is because both genders have cannabinoid receptors in their respective reproductive organs and sexual tissue.

The CBD can increase the blood flow to these tissues that can increase sensitivity and promote the body’s ability to produce its own natural lubricants without the aid of over the counter or prescription medications.

Let’s Get It On

If you are using CBD to set the mood, we suggest using it before you get into the bedroom.

CBD has stress-reducing benefits, and quality products may increase your feeling of relaxation and comfort level to remove tension and nervous energy.

CBD may help you and your partner (or just you if going solo), feel more relaxed and ready before you hit the bed (or wherever you intend to get that pleasure).

Sex is not just a physical connection but both a mental and emotional connection too and CBD may help.

The Product that may help After 50

CBD Terpene Tincture, we’ve heard anecdotally, has helped both men and women over the age of 50 become more receptive to sexual activity and increased their pleasure in the bedroom.

CBD may help enhance the pleasure for both men and women.

CBD Terpene Tinctures can help set the mood and get the good vibes going but preparation in advance is suggested. For optimal results, we recommend taking a few drops sublingually (under the tongue) for best absorption into the small capillaries in the mouth to quickly enter the bloodstream and transport to the right organs that will be going to work and relaxing you to feel the effects. Otherwise, putting it in some tea would work as well.

While you wait for it to kick in, you may consider some foreplay. It couldn’t hurt!


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